Tuesday, August 23, 2011

lexi the fattie

so lately i've been struggling a little with being a fattie.
1. I EAT 24HOURS a day.
2. I exercise for at least 1HOUR each day.

but you see, after burning like a zillion (okay fine maybe not a zillion) calories jumping around, lifting weights & sweating like a (for lack of a better word) pig, I EAT.
& EAT.

oh and... EAT

this is why i am still FAT. or as i like to say, AM STILL A FATTIE.

which now brings you to the depressing part of this post, I HATE BEING A FATTIE. i am so fat. 'no lex, you are not fat' 'serious alex, not fat' LIES! LIES! LIES!

my self esteem has hit an extreme low.
thank you skinny people.. really...

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