Sunday, April 8, 2012


hi again, i'm in Switzerland it's snowing outside and i'm cold as hell hah
so anyways, i had my fortune told.
'dafuq alex, where did u find a fortune teller?'
.. well that part of the story is far too long so let's just cut right to the chase

1. MY HEART IS GOING TO BE BROKEN. According to her it hasnt been broken yet. She could tell me exactly what happened between my ex and I and it was creepy u have no idea. 'he didnt break yoru heart alex he broke ur ego, cus u just want attention 24 hours a day and he couldnt give u that' & i was all like 'OMG CAN U PLEASE TELL ME WHO?' but she refused to tell me cus she says it'll be abusing her power

2. I HAVE VERY BAD KARMA. i mean i wasnt as surprised as i shouldve been (lol probably because i already know how much of a bitch i am) anyway she says i have this negative aura around me I mean i do try to be as nice as i can it's just that sometimes asdfghjklsdfghj

3. YOU WILL NOT GET MARRIED. Dude u have no idea i almost died but thank u Jesus she was like 'BUT KARMA CHANGES EVERY 3 YEARS'

Well I guess what I'm getting at is that I NEED TO CHANGE; lol yes i've said this so many times before but i have to change, i really do now because if I dont my future will be BLEAK & I really do want to have a happy onee

ah fingers crossed
oh God help me pleasee

haha lexi xx


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