Monday, October 31, 2011


after a year and God knows how many days, i can finally reply to this message that was sent to me October last year

Dear Anon,
You would probably never read this but it is very important to me that i say thank you. Yes, you sent me that message eons ago, yes, i was tempted to reply to it to say that you were a whole load of crap, yes, i didn't believe you.
But now, after months and months of i miss yous, what ifs, if onlys, do i realize that time really does heal wounds. I dont mean to be sensitive and 'mushy' but i was hurt, i was so crazy honestly. Pretty much beyond repair, and i didnt think that things would ever get better. 'That this was rain and sunshine would never come.' But it did, and it has and i am proud to say that I am over it.
and that you were right!
you deserve a pat on the back.
so if it was you, go ahead give yourself a pat on the back :)